


12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS Symptoms

12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS Symptoms – Women with PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome feel frustrated and helpless. The hormonal disorders drastically affect the quality of life and different aspects of reproductive health. Though there is no complete and single cure for PCOS, there are many natural ways to reverse the symptoms or make them less severe. Dt. Gagan Anand is a renowned name in the fitness and nutrition industry. She brings to you 12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS Symptoms, easy to incorporate into your life. 

PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility in women and affects over 10% of women worldwide. The symptoms of PCOD range from irregular periods to acne, and unwanted hair growth on your face and body. Dt. Gagan has discovered 12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS Symptoms that are well-known to show wonderful results. Read the blog further to get useful insights about natural and safe ways to put an end to the wide range of symptoms of PCOS. 

12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS Symptoms

Many women with PCOD stay dependent on contraceptives or hormonal pills to regulate their reproductive cycle. This short-term method does not address the actual problem, but instead gives temporary relief from the symptoms. Though incurable, PCOS can be reversed or calmed down with dietary and lifestyle changes. Read these 12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS Symptoms to find a way to live a more healthy and nurturing life. 

Toss Away the Products that Disrupt Your Hormones 

Hormones bear the brunt of PCOS more than anything else. The first step to naturally reverse PCOS symptoms is to find out all the chemical-loaded products that could be exacerbating your hormonal imbalance. 

Most of these products are a cocktail of harmful chemicals that mimic estrogen and take your hormones on a rollercoaster. These products could be your hygiene products or skincare having a permanent place on your shelf. Once you identify these products, do not take a second more to dump them in the dustbin. 

A Healthy Diet is Invincible 

The food we eat does way more than catering to our taste buds or satiating our hunger. Eating whole food and homemade meals over highly processed food can be a total game changer if you suffer from PCOS. Limit your processed food intake and include more green vegetables and fruits in your diet. 

If you need help with how to design your PCOS diet plan you can always consult Dt. Gagan for expert advice. Her special diet plan for PCOS could do the job for you and help you monitor your diet. 

Try Adaptogen Herbs for More Relief 

PCOS drastically affects insulin resistance and puts you at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The high insulin levels can also cause higher levels of male sex hormones or androgens. Trying adaptogen herbs can help your body to balance the hormones. The adaptogen herbs are also helpful in managing your irregular periods. Some of the prominent adaptogen herbs that can help you naturally reverse your PCOS symptoms are briefed below: 

  • Maca root 
  • Ashwagandha 
  • Holy basil 
  • Licorice root 
  • Chasteberry 

Maintain a Healthy Weight 

Another effective way in the list of 12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS Symptoms is maintaining a healthy weight. As weight gain is among the most common symptoms of PCOS, managing weight could be very tricky. 

Though it becomes difficult to lose weight in PCOS, you can try to manage your weight by prioritizing exercise and a calorie deficit diet. 

Balance Out Carbohydrates and Proteins in Your Diet 

Your diet should be a perfect balance of carbohydrates and proteins. A diet rich in protein shall make most of your meals in the day. Eating protein-rich meals stimulates your body to produce insulin, whereas unprocessed, high-carb food can cause a spike in your blood glucose levels. 

You can try animal-based protein if you are non-vegetarian or plant-based protein if you are vegan or vegetarian. Milk, chicken, chickpeas, nuts, and legumes are some of the commonly available protein-rich foods.

Do Not Shy Away From Trying Supplements 

Nutritional supplements are an excellent addition to the 12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS Symptoms. There are many supplements that you can try to manage your PCOS symptoms. However, you should consult your doctor to check whether you can try these supplements as they may interact with your medications. Some of the commonly taken supplements in PCOS are briefed below: 

  • Omega-3 fish oil
  • Chromium
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin D plus calcium
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Inositol

Stay Regular With Your Workout 

Exercise or strength training is an excellent way to manage your PCOS symptoms. You shall stay regular with physical exercise as it can reduce insulin resistance. It can also help you manage the symptoms related to insulin resistance such as cravings, exhaustion, uncontrollable diet, and difficulty in losing weight. 

Make it a routine to do at least 30 minutes of cardio or strength training daily. Stay consistent with the routine and wait to see the results. 

Up Your Magnesium and Iron Intake 

Heavy bleeding experienced in PCOS can lead to lower levels of iron causing anemia. PCOS can also cause women to have lower levels of magnesium which could further lead to worse insulin resistance and higher testosterone levels. 

You can increase your iron and magnesium intake by including foods such as spinach, almonds, bananas, or cashews. You can also opt for additional supplements with your doctor’s consultation.

Probiotics are Highly Underrated 

Eating probiotic-rich food can have a positive impact on your gut health. It is a highly effective way among the top 12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS Symptoms. Regular consumption of probiotics can also reduce inflammation and regulate sex hormones like androgen and estrogen. 

Add probiotics with curd, pickles, kimchi, and Kombucha. You can also try probiotics supplements on your doctor’s suggestions. 

A Good Night Sleep is Worth the Hype 

A healthy sleeping pattern spanning 7 to 8 hours is a must to regulate all the hormonal and metabolic functions in your body. Sleep has a direct effect on your stress levels and thereby on your cortisol levels. Sleep disturbances can be very disturbing for women with PCOS and further worsen the symptoms. Maintain a healthy sleeping pattern and avoid stimulants and rich, fatty foods before bedtime. 

Stress Management is a Must 

Psychological well-being is as important as physical well-being to live a complete and fulfilling life. A healthy diet and exercise are not sufficient to alleviate the symptoms of PCOS. Staying mentally stressed can trigger negative responses in the body further worsening PCOS. 

Try meditation, yoga, or other stress-relieving techniques to bring your stress under control. You can also focus on building a self-care routine. 

Avoid Taking Birth Control Pills 

Birth control pills are usually prescribed for managing PCOS symptoms. However, the long-term effects of taking birth control pills are harmful and can cause serious hormonal imbalances. Do not use birth control pills as a contraceptive instead opt for alternative contraceptive methods. Avoiding birth control pills is a highly effective way among the 12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS Symptoms. 

Final Thought 

PCOS is a complicated syndrome. With no cure currently available it can be difficult to manage the symptoms. However, there are many natural remedies ways to ease the symptoms and manage them effectively. Refer to these 12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS Symptoms to get control over your PCOS and lead a much more fulfilling and joyful life. 


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