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8 Major Health Benefits of Gond Katira

8 Major Health Benefits of Gond Katira – Heat waves in summer can cause severe dehydration or even lead to a heat stroke. Staying hydrated becomes even more important to fight scorching heat and maintain optimum electrolyte balance. There are several superfoods that you can include in your diet to stay hydrated and keep your body cool even during the roaring temperatures. Gond Katira, also known as Tragacanth gum, is a natural gum that comes from the sap of plants found in the Middle East. This magical food is a powerhouse of nutrients like polysaccharides, calcium, magnesium, and other minerals.

Including Gond Katira in your diet, especially during summer is an easy way to keep your body prepared to go through intense heat waves. Widely used for its natural cooling and health-benefiting properties, Gond katira is an interesting way to regulate your body temperature. Learn about the 8 Major Health Benefits of Gond Katira and how you can include it in your diet to also enjoy refreshing drinks and savory cuisines.  

Make Gond Katira a Part of Your Diet With These 5 Ways

Gond Katira is a pale yellow or transparent crystalline that dissolves in water and takes the form of soft jelly. Its tasteless or bland nature makes it a perfect addition to smoothies and other soft drinks. All you need to do is to soak the gond katira overnight and add it to your choice of smoothies and dishes to enjoy a nutritious and healthy drink. You can also try these 5 interesting smoothies to get the benefits of Gond Katira while not compromising your taste buds. 

  1. Gond Katira Kulfi
  2. Gond Katira Falooda
  3. Gond Katira Smoothie With Mint Leaves 
  4. Gond Katira Kacchi Lassi
  5. Curd with Gond Katira

All the dishes are easy to make and taste extremely delicious. You can try all these drinks and smoothies to stay hydrated and chilled in these summers. 

8 Major Health Benefits of Gond Katira

Gond Katira is readily available in your nearest grocery store. The gum is full of antioxidant, hypoglycemic, antidiabetic, antiulcer, and immunomodulatory properties. It is mainly found in the mountain region but is mainly found in Iran. The crystalline gum is full of nutrients and regulates your body temperatures to give a cooling effect in summer. Learn about the 8 Major Health Benefits of Gond Katira and why it may be high time to include it in your diet. 

Keep Your Body Hydrated and Cool

The most striking benefit of using gond katira is its cooling properties highly useful in the summer. It cools down the system from the inside out and also helps prevent the nose-bleeding issue that develops in children during hot summers. Using good katira in shikanji, milkshakes, ice creams, and smoothies keeps your body hydrated and cool during the summer. 

Helpful for the Weight Loss 

Gond Katira is loaded with a wide range of nutrients and dietary fiber. It works as an excellent weight loss supplement and helps shed kilos in your weight loss journey. Being a rich source of dietary fiber it keeps you satiated, boosts metabolism, and avoids cravings. It also burns calories to help you manage your weight effectively. 

Radiant and Glowing Skin 

Healthy skin is the reflection of a healthy gut and diet. Gond Katira is an excellent natural laxative and prebiotic to maintain a healthy digestion and gut. It is also a rich source of anti-aging components and antioxidants that give a radiant glow to your skin. 

Regular consumption of gond katira cleanses your blood vessels, regenerates dead skin cells, and gives a natural glow to the skin. 

Promotes Liver Health 

Gond Katira promotes liver health by removing the toxins from the blood keeps the liver healthy and enhances liver function. The daily consumption of gond katira will reduce the toxin load on the liver and give it all the nutrients needed to keep it healthy and working. 

Strengthen Immune System 

Another major benefit of gond katira is that it keeps the immune system healthy. The crystalline gum is a rich source of nutrients and a storehouse of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Including gond katira in your diet strengthens your immune system and helps fight infections such as the common cold, flu, cough, and other infections. 

Strengthen Bones 

The calcium and magnesium in the gond katira is highly beneficial to strengthening bones and enriching bone density. This prevents unintentional osteoporosis and joint pain. Gond Katira is a rich source of several other vital nutrients. 

Support Digestion and Metabolism 

The rich fiber content in Gond Katira makes it highly beneficial for healthy digestion. Including gond katira in your diet will regulate your bowel movements. Taking gond katira will support healthy digestion and metabolism. It also keeps your gut bacteria healthy and maintains overall well-being. 

Help Manage Heat Strokes 

Heat stroke is a common phenomenon in summer usually caused due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Gond Katira cools down the body and prevents heat strokes. Taking gond katira with your favorite drinks will cool your body and treat heat strokes. 

Wrapping Up! 

The amazing cooling properties of Gond Katira and its high nutritional content make it a must-have superfood in the summer. You can easily include it in your diet and take it with your favorite smoothies or yogurt. These 8 Major Health Benefits of Gond Katira will further encourage you to make it a part of your diet and prevent heat strokes and nose bleeding this summer. 


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