20 Easy Tips to Make Your Diet Healthier

20 Easy Tips to Make Your Diet Healthier

Eating healthy is a health mantra ubiquitous to all. Despite knowing the importance of eating healthy, it is frustrating how we fail to achieve this minimal yet crucial task. We at Gagan Dietitian have brought these amazing 20 easy tips to make your diet healthier. The tips are easy to follow yet make a stark difference in the quality of your diet. Some of the tips are common lifestyle changes that we skip or avoid out of lethargy or a busy schedule.

Meticulously go through each tip and analyze how you can adapt it to your lifestyle. Usually, people are unaware, of how much negative impact these small daily habits have on their overall health. Few habits will point out your mistakes; others will introduce you to simple hacks you had no idea about. Dt. Gagan Anand also offers online dietitian services across many prominent locations in India. 

20 Easy Tips to Make Your Diet Healthier

Let’s begin discussing those magical 20 easy tips to get you all the required nutrients in your daily diet. Browse through the list below and learn what you have been missing out on all this while:

1. Don’t Skip Breakfast – Ironically, breakfast is the most neglected meal of the day yet, the most crucial. As per one study breakfast is linked with higher absorption of certain minerals like foliate, calcium, and iron. The results of the study also claimed that breakfast skippers consume more calories, carbohydrates, total and saturated fat, and added sugars during lunch, dinner, and snacks than people who eat breakfast.

2. Say No to coffee on an empty stomach – Most of us are wired to start our day with a sip of coffee. However, doing so does more harm than good. Coffee triggers the release of stomach acid whenever consumed. If taken on an empty stomach, the excess stomach acid erodes the internal lining of the stomach which can result in ulcers.

3. Practice chewing slowly and thoroughly – We all have been guilty of swallowing our food without properly chewing it. Although the practice seems benign at the surface, in the long run, it can have serious repercussions. On thoroughly chewing the food, it gets properly broken down into tiny little pieces which increases the surface area for enzymes to act on and eases digestion when the food gets to the stomach.

4. Eating fruits is better than drinking them – It is a common misconception that drinking fruit juices gives the same benefits as eating them. Fruits contain dietary fiber which is essential for the proper absorption of vitamins and minerals. Also, drinking fruit juices causes more rapid spikes in blood glucose levels since the juice is absorbed more rapidly. The peels should be eaten as well as they are nutrient-dense.

5. Plan your meals – Planning your meals allows you to keep a check on your calorie intake. This way you avoid snacking and cut down loads of calories. Try bringing your lunch to the workspace as it helps you eat healthily and cut down on binge-eating junk food.

6. Befriend Healthy Fats – Fats are considered the typical villain to a healthy diet. Little do we realize that fats have a very important role in keeping us healthy and fit. Not all fats are healthy and should be consumed, but without incorporating healthy fats into our diet we can never cater to the nutritional demands of our bodies. The body needs fat for the absorption of some vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K), for energy, to protect the body’s organs, and for warmth. Replace your saturated fats with healthier unsaturated fats found in avocado, nuts, and olive oil.

7. Replace grilling or frying with baking or roasting – Although it seems insignificant to bake or roast your meals instead of grilling or frying. In the long run, it benefits the body with its low-calorie intake and less fat density.

8. Cut down on drinks with Sugar – If there is an enemy of a healthy diet then that would be sugar. Plain calories with no additional nutritional benefits. To cut down on sugar load, it is necessary to avoid drinks with added sugar. They cause a sudden spike in blood glucose levels which is disastrous for a healthy diet.

9. Mindful eating – Binge eating while binge-watching has become a norm these days. However, it does not contribute to a healthy diet and causes calorie overload. Try eating in silence, without any distractions. This gives a fuller feeling and allows you to keep a check on your calorie intake.

10. Keep a 3-hour gap between meals – Our body takes 2 to 3 hours to properly digest a meal and soak in all the nutrients. Maintain a gap of 3 hours between your meals to allow your body to have enough time to digest the previous meal completely.

11. Give Greek Yoghurt a try – Greek yogurt is a dense form of curd containing more proteins and minerals than carbohydrates. It is an excellent probiotic that can be added to your routine. However, avoid flavored yogurt as it may contain added sugar.

12. Complete Vegetarian Diet once a week – Inculcate a full vegetarian day in your week full of plant-based proteins and other nutrients. This lowers the risk of obesity, cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

13. Fruits in midday snacks – Snacking is deemed unhealthy as we rarely eat something nutritious in our snacks. Fruits are an extremely healthy snack alternative that will make our midday snacking guilt and calorie-free.

14. Stay Hydrated – The most circulated yet the most neglected tip is adequate hydration. Staying hydrated has the utmost importance in keeping the body healthy and working. Without proper hydration, no amount of healthy eating will show results. Drink at least 3 liters of water each day to flush out toxins and keep the body hydrated.

15. Say no to Ultra-processed food – Ultra-processed foods contain loads of fats, added sugars, salts, additives, and other ingredients that enhance taste and storage duration. Avoiding them is crucial to keep your eating habits clean and nutritious.

16. Don’t eat the same food on repeat – Eating a variety of food is key to a healthier diet. Various studies show that eating a range of food items allows you to bridge nutritional gaps in your body. It also avoids metabolic syndrome.

17. Make your meals rich in protein – Although it is true that our meals should contain a rainbow of nutrients. . Design your meals in a way that contains more proteins than carbohydrates and fats.

18. Avoid diet food – Diet food has gained tremendous popularity over the last few years. They may benefit from losing weight but are in no way healthier eating options. They lack significant nutrition like healthy fats and carbs needed in a balanced diet.

19. Choose healthy oils – You cannot completely cut down on cooking oils. A better alternative is to use healthier options available in the market. Instead of refined oils, go for virgin olive and coconut oils.

20. Fresh berries over dried ones – Berries are nutrient-dense fruits, ideal for a healthier diet. They are available in dried and fresh versions. Opt for eating fresh ones as they are free of any preservatives and contain more nutrients.

Final Takeaway

Eating healthy is no rocket science; all it takes is little awareness and small lifestyle changes to reach your goal. After knowing these 20 tips you will find yourself fully prepared to eat as healthy as possible and not commit any diet blunders.

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