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A Sample Diet Chart For Weight Loss From A Nutritionist

Losing weight is among the most common fitness goals of people. The Internet is flooded with food articles on losing 10kg in 30 days and many others which are traps of unhealthy weight loss. However, by consulting top dietitians such as Dietitian Gagan Anand, you can get expert advice on healthy weight loss and customized diet plans for your specific needs. In this article, you will find, A Sample Diet Chart For Weight Loss From A Nutritionist, Dt. Gagan Anand. By following this diet chart you can nourish your body while losing all the excess weight. 

This diet chart by Dt. Gagan Anand is a great way of losing weight while not starving yourself. Before you explore this Sample Diet Chart For Weight Loss, it is essential to learn about the difference between healthy and unhealthy weight loss. Read this Sample diet chart for weight loss from the nutritionist, Gagan Anand to kickstart your weight loss journey. Dt. Gagan Anand is a well-reputed name in the fitness industry, popular for her online dietitian for weight loss programs, personalized diet plans, and other services. 

Science Behind the Healthy Weight Loss 

Gaining or losing weight is highly dependent on our calorie intake in a day. If we intake more calories than we spend, we gain weight. On the other hand, if we spend more calories than we take, we start losing weight. This give and take of calorie consumption and expenditure, is the basic idea behind weight management. A healthy weight loss happens gradually at a rate of 1-2 pounds (0.45-0.9 kilograms) per week. This type of weight loss is considered sustainable as it minimizes muscle loss or any nutritional deficiencies. 

With this sample diet chart for weight loss from a nutritionist, you will learn to manage your weight and lose extra weight in a healthy manner. Unhealthy weight loss is all about extreme calorie restriction and excessive physical exercise, both leading to rapid weight loss. Though unhealthy weight loss might seem alluring at first due to its instant results, in the long run, it can severely affect your health. Some key hallmarks of healthy weight loss are: 

  • Balanced Diet
  • Portion Control 
  • Regular Physical Activity 
  • Adequate Hydration 
  • Monitoring the Progress

Factors on which Weight Loss Depends 

Dt. Gagan Anand has been actively working in the fitness industry for more than 10 years. She has framed a sample diet chart for weight loss based on a wide range of factors. A single diet chart is not sufficient to cover the needs of all people with different needs. However, this diet chart mentions the basic dietary changes and eating habits that can be brought by everyone to start seeing the changes. The key factors on which a diet chart for weight loss depends are given below: 

  • Type of body, such as muscular or lean. 
  • Fat distribution across the body.
  • Types of physical activities done, such as swimming, gymming, walking, or yoga. 
  • Height and weight of the person. 
  • Any major health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and thyroid. 
  • Age of the person. 

A Sample Diet Chart For Weight Loss From A Nutritionist

Diet Chart For Weight Loss by Dt. Gagan Anand 

This sample diet chart for weight loss from nutritionist, Gagan Anand comprises a breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine. The diet chart is ideal for a person weighing around 70 kg and is 5.5 feet tall. By actively following this diet plan you can easily lose 3-4 kgs in a month. Read further to get valuable insights on losing weight with a balanced eating routine 

Morning: In the morning our body wakes up from a fast of 8 – 9 hours. Therefore, it is crucial to stay extra careful of what you put in your body. Follow the given points after immediately waking up in the morning: 

  • Drink 1-2 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach. 
  • For additional benefits, you can soak coriander seeds or fenugreek (methi) seeds overnight.
  • After 1-2 hours of waking take your tea or coffee with 2 – 3 biscuits. 
  • You can also take overnight-soaked dry fruits like almonds and walnuts. 

Breakfast: The first meal of our day or breakfast is very important to feel refreshed and energetic throughout the day. Try to include protein-rich items in your breakfast to feel satiated for a longer time. Some healthy breakfast options great for weight loss are: 

  • Bread omelet with a glass of milk.
  • Upma or dosa.
  • Boiled moong daal with Chpatti or tortillas
  • A cup of curd or buttermilk

Lunch: Make sure you do not skip lunch and eat something nutritious and homemade. You can make your lunch colorful and include a variety of things to increase the overall nutritional value of a single meal. Include the following mentioned delicacies in your lunch to nourish your body while losing the extra weight.

  •  2 rotis (without oil/ghee) or 3 chapattis or 1 medium bowl of rice
  • A big plate of salad and 1 cup of vegetable curry. 
  •  high-fiber veggies such as leafy vegetables
  • one protein source such as a medium bowl of curd or 1 medium bowl of dal (and not both)
  • Non-veg can replace Dal with chicken (curry, grilled or roasted but not fried) or fish such as mackerel (curry but not fried). 

Dinner: Dinner is the last meal of the day, hence it is advised to keep it as light as possible. Avoid eating something heavy in your dinner as it can disrupt your sleep. Some healthy meal ideas you can include in your routine are: 

  • A bowl of vegetable curry or a plate of salad
  • A bowl of dal or curd
  • A bowl of mixed vegetable soup
  • One multigrain roti (bajra, jowar, wheat) or a medium bowl of rice with your preferred curry

Evening and Mid-day Snack Healthy Options 

Snacking doesn’t always have to be unhealthy. Free yourself from the guilt of snacking by binging on these delicious yet healthy snack options. Include these healthy snacks in your diet and to calm your cravings down: 

  • 100 g of any seasonal fruit 
  • Drink a cup of green tea
  • Roasted channa and makhanas 
  • Roasted peanuts

Summer Coolers- Drinks with Health Benefits

If you are looking for coolers to refresh your mood, check out this video.


With this sample diet chart for weight loss by Dt. Gagan Anand, you get a general picture of what’s healthy and how much is healthy. However, to get a more personalized diet chart, you are required to contact Dt. Gagan Anand. Consulting healthcare professionals gives you better insights into your health and helps the experts create the best diet chart for weight loss. 

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