How To Boost Metabolism For Weight Loss?

How To Boost Metabolism For Weight Loss?

Metabolism in simple words is a process that converts food into energy. Our body requires energy for doing everything like studying, playing, working, walking, thinking, growing, and many other things too. There are certain proteins present in our body that control the chemical reactions of metabolism. The food that we eat is broken down into tiny particles of nutrients and proteins which help in the growth of our body and repairing body cells.

The one-word answer to how to boost metabolism is–EXERCISE. The more calories you burn, the more your metabolism will boost. Learn more about How To Boost Metabolism For Weight Loss? in this comprehensive blog brought to you by Dt. Gagan Anand. 

Different Ways to Boost Your Metabolism for Weight Loss

  •   Intermittent fasting

Also known as periodic fasting or time-restricted feeding in which a person can eat during the day time only typically 8 hours in the daytime and 16 hours fasting time during the night can help you boost your metabolism for weight loss.

  • Have your meals at regular times

Having three meals a day–Breakfast, Lunch, and dinner with a proper time gap and a subtle amount of food can help you boost your metabolism for weight loss.

  • Get a good sleep

A night of good sleep does not boost our metabolism much but only affects 10-15% of it. A night of proper sleep helps to maintain an ideal metabolism.

  • Drink green tea

Green tea contains amylase, lipase and glucosidase which helps in breaking down carbohydrates and fats. All these compounds present also  help to maintain and boost up metabolism.

  • Doing consistent workout 

As our muscles consume more calories than fat, workout exercise helps to sweat which results in heating our body and burning extra fat & calories which are not required by our body.

  • Having lots of water

Drinking lots of water leaves great results in the weight loss journey, boosting metabolism and keeping the body hydrated. Water helps in eliminating the by-products of the body’s metabolism.

  • Eating food that contains less fat & complex carbs

The lower your body fat, the higher will be your metabolic rate. Consuming food that is rich in fiber and proteins instead of oily food will help you boost your metabolism for weight loss.

  • Limiting sugar

As sugar and sweets contain the highest amount of calories, it can affect your metabolism and immunity levels. Consuming less sugar will result in fewer calories making it easy for you to boost your metabolism.

  • Avoid sitting for longer time

  Sitting continuously for too many hours can affect your Physical health and gain more calories which will make difficult for you to achieve your target. 

  • Take black coffee

Coffee contains a high amount of caffeine which is very effective in boosting metabolism for weight loss.

  • Opt for plant-based diet

Plant-based diets rapidly convert sugar into energy. Plant-based diets also have faster post-meal metabolism.

  • Avoid eating at late night

Taking meals near your bedtime can lead to indigestion and results in more calories as the digestion process slows down during the night time converting that food into fat.

 A Wide Array of Benefits of Healthy Metabolism

1. Having a healthy metabolism helps you to get rid of all the toxins from your body. Having toxins(bacteria) may impact your body in harmful ways like they may attack your respiratory system. So you need to do a detox twice a month which will help you get rid of toxins from your body and also boost your metabolism.

2. A healthy metabolism helps you to maintain your weight, tightens your skin, gives you clear and glowy skin, less wrinkles and fine lines on your face, and helps you look younger.

3. If we have a good metabolism rate and a toxin-free body, automatically there will be an improvement in our blood circulation.

4. A good immunity level also matters. A healthy metabolism leads to good immunity as it gives our body the power to fight against various diseases, bacteria, and microorganisms present in our body.

List of Factors that can Affect Our Metabolic Rate 

  • AGE

As you start getting older, people become less active and less energetic which also affects our diet as our body requirements change by time and age.


As our looks, features, height,color depend on our genetics, our metabolism is one of them too. How much energy we need is dead set on our genes.

  • DIET

A good diet can help you alot in boosting your metabolism. Consuming a good diet rich in carbohydrates, fats, protein and fiber with a subtle amount can help you maintain your metabolism. 


Insufficient sleep can disturb your blood circulation and glucose level. Sleeping on time and proper amount of sleep maintains an appropriate level of glucose in your body which affects your metabolism also.

As discussed above food plays a vital role in boosting up metabolism, here some food items that you can consume to boost your metabolism for weight loss:-


Mushrooms Lean meats
Broccoli Fish
Legumes Lean pork
Lentils Eggs
oatmeal Shrimp
Almonds Tuna
Berries Chicken
Ginger Lean Beef
Chia Seeds Turkey
                  Chili pepper Salmon


To boost metabolism for weight loss, we need to start enjoying our meals. All we need to do is keep a check on ourselves on how much we eat, what we eat, and when We eat. To help you boost your metabolism for weight loss, we came up with the best Dietitian and Nutritionist in  Chandigarh—Dietitian Gagan Anand. Dietitian Gagan Anand is a well-known Dietitian and   Nutritionist. She has an experience of over 15 years of Weight loss and is currently running many chains. She has more than 2000+ types of diet plans and over  1500+ happy clients. If you are looking the best dietitian then Gagan Anand is the one! Remember, you need to eat for the body you want, not the kind of body you have.


Dietitian Gagan

Dietitian Gagan

jyoti manchandajyoti manchanda
04:57 22 Nov 22
I never really had any problem with weight, but I wanted to start eating healthy for a better lifestyle. After coming to you, I could do so with little effort but only by changing a few things in my daily food intake.Gagan is really a good listener and very knowledgeable and understand your requirement well and accordingly plan a day.I am very grateful to you.
Kanika BajwaKanika Bajwa
12:18 13 Oct 22
I am so happy my friend introduced me to Dr Gagan and her team. I just finished my first month of the diet and I have lost 10 pounds/4.5kgs. Even though I am overseas all my queries are answered promptly. There is continuous support from the team. I can't wait to see what the rest of the 5 months of the diet have in store for me now. The diet provided is nutritional and filling. Special thanks to Jiya my nutritional assistant.
Arun PreetArun Preet
08:58 13 Sep 22
It's really good experience with Ma'am. She helped me a lot to maintain my health body weight and shape. Moreover the Ma'am is also very friendly and she has a good nature and know how to keep their clients healthy and wealthy.
Sakshi SharmaSakshi Sharma
05:04 08 Aug 22
I started with Ma’am when I wasn’t even sure what was happening in my body. I healed my HS (hidradenitis Supprativa) because of her diet and let me tell you the diet is all about home based meals. No fancy diets or anything. Easy to follow. Always thankful to her for being such a sweet person and patiently dealing with my insecurities.Would highly recommend her ☺️
trilok singhtrilok singh
03:08 05 Aug 22
My journey of losing weight was pretty good. Gagan mam and her team doing really great job. I was almost 81kg and thyroid and PCOD was biggest issue. Just with 1 months i have lost almost 5kg . I feel postive and happy, Thanks Diet Clicnic Team


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