


How to Lose Weight With PCOS: 10 Helpful Tips

PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal disorder that affects women in large numbers. The syndrome influences several reproductive and other health aspects of women making it difficult to lead a happy and healthy life. Among the myriad of complications that come along with PCOS, not being able to lose weight troubles most women. Despite a healthier diet and active lifestyle women affected with PCOS find it extra hard to lose weight. Dt. Gagan has prepared an article to help all women learn more about How to Lose Weight With PCOS: 10 Helpful Tips. Read through the article and transform your weight loss journey with these 10 helpful tips. 

The hormonal imbalance, inability to control the appetite, mental stress, and a lack of sleep all contribute to the rigid weight gain and obesity seen in women with PCOS. However, it is possible to lose weight with PCOS by making appropriate changes in your diet and lifestyle. Read more about How to Lose Weight With PCOS: 10 Helpful Tips curated by Dt. Gagan Anand to lose weight with PCOS and improve your PCOS symptoms by restoring a normal hormonal balance. 

10 Helpful Tips to Lose Weight With PCOS 

The reason why it becomes almost impossible to lose weight in PCOS is that it makes the body resistant to insulin. The resistance causes your pancreas to make more of the hormone and that extra insulin promotes fat storage and increases hunger, which can cause weight gain. Before learning how to lose weight in PCOS it is important to understand that PCOS is a metabolic disorder. The good news is that you can lose weight and get into shape even when affected by PCOS by treating the root cause of the disorder. Go through these 10 Helpful Tips to Lose Weight With PCOS and move a step closer to your fitness goals. 

Include Healthy Fats in Your Diet 

Contrary to the norm, including healthy fats in your diet can enhance your weight loss journey. With healthy fats, you can feel more satisfied after meals and tackle weight loss and other symptoms of PCOS. Many studies have found that higher fat intake can reduce hunger and help burn extra calories. 

Some of the healthier sources of fat are Avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, and nut butter.  You can combine healthy fat with a protein source to get more fulfilling meals. 

Eat More Protein 

The key to getting more from eating less is by increasing your protein intake. Proteins are known to stabilize blood sugar and increase feelings of fullness after a meal. Increasing your protein intake can aid weight loss by reducing cravings, helping you burn more calories, and regulating hunger hormones. 

Your daily protein intake depends on your current body weight and lifestyle. You can easily increase your protein intake by eating protein-rich sources in your diet such as eggs, nuts, dairy, meat, and seafood. 

Focus on Mindful Eating

Another helpful tip to speed up your weight loss journey is to practice mindful eating. Many women with PCOS are known to have eating disorders that can make it even more difficult to lose weight. Practicing mindful eating and cutting down on distractions while eating will make you feel full faster and help prevent overeating. 

It also promotes an increased awareness of bodily cues such as hunger and fullness. Mindful eating can help you tackle many eating disorders. 

Consume Fermented Food 

The key to healthy digestion is healthy gut bacteria which plays a crucial role in metabolism and weight maintenance. Many studies suggest that people with PCOS have fewer good gut bacteria than those without this condition. By eating food rich in probiotics such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods you can increase the count of healthy gut bacteria and improve your digestion. You can also go for a probiotic supplement to get the same benefits. 

Cut Down on Processed Foods and added Sugars

The villains in any weight loss journey are processed foods and sugars. To get a slimer waist and a healthy BMI count you will have to cut down on your processed foods and sugar. Processed food and sugar are known to raise blood sugar levels and increase your risk of insulin resistance, which leads to weight gain. 

Much research confirms that women with PCOS experience larger spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels after consuming the same amount of sugar as women without this condition. Therefore, it becomes even more important to avoid these. 

Reduce your Carb Intake 

Another useful tip to lose weight in PCOS is to reduce your carb consumption. Eating a low glycemic, low carb diet is linked with reduced insulin levels in people with PCOS which is crucial to lose weight. The direct impact of carbohydrates on insulin levels is the main reason why eating less carbs can be so helpful for your weight loss journey. 

Get Regular with Physical Workouts 

A crucial component of any weight loss journey is a physical workout. Weight training has especially been know to be beneficial for women with PCOS. However, the most important key is to stay consistent and focus on mindful movements. 

Both cardio and weight training exercises are known to help people with PCOS decrease body fat and improve insulin sensitivity. You can hire a trainer or work with a fitness trainer to get the maximum benefits. 

Do not take Sleep for Granted 

Sleep has to be the most underestimated aspect of any weight loss plan. Sleep is central to overall health and can impact your weight loss journey. If you suffer from sleep disturbances or sleep disorders such as excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep apnea, and insomnia you may find it more difficult to lose weight. 

Try to sleep on time each night and have a sleeping schedule. Consult your doctor in case you struggle with any disorder. 

Manage Your Stress 

Stress contributes way more than our assumption in leading a happy and healthier life. High stress can increase the levels of levels of cortisol directly linked with insulin resistance and weight gain. Chronic stress also increases your risk of gaining belly fat which in turn shoots up cortisol levels. 

Try managing your stress by indulging in meditating, practicing yoga, and spending time in nature to lower cortisol levels. 

Try Intermittent Fasting 

Intermittent fasting has become a popular choice for managing PCOS symptoms. In this fasting method, you are required to fast for 16 to 18 hours which brings down your insulin levels and helps in weight loss. Intermittent fasting brings energy balance in the body which can be highly beneficial for women with PCOS trying to lose weight. 


PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects millions of women in the world. Dt. Gagan brigs you this informative guide about How to Lose Weight With PCOS: 10 Helpful Tips for all the ladies struggling out there. Besides, these tips it is important to consider lifestyle factors, regular exercise, stress management, and sleep to bring a positive change in your weight loss journey. 

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