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Importance of Good Diet and Dietitian Support While Taking Ozempic

Ozempic is a GLP-1 medication given for type 2 diabetes and also prescribed off-label for weight management. Taking Ozempic for weight loss or diabetes may not be enough to see the desired results. Working with a dietitian can help you follow a multi-faceted approach, involving changes in diet and lifestyle, as well as the use of medications like Ozempic, to see amazing results in your weight loss journey. Read this blog by Dt. Gagan Anand to learn more about the Importance of a Good Diet and Dietitian Support While Taking Ozempic for weight loss. The blog will empower you on your weight loss journey and equip you with the right strategies and information. 

Dt. Gagan Anand with her years of expertise in the fitness industry is undoubtedly the best in guiding you through the use of ozempic while managing your diet and nutrition. The blog will give you useful insights on how the ozempic works for weight loss, what diet changes you should make while taking it, and the role of a dietitian in providing long-term support for achieving weight loss goals. 

How Does Ozempic Work to Fast-Track Your Weight Loss Goals? 

Ozempic is a popular weight loss medication used for people with significant weight loss goals and those who want to lose 5-15 lbs. Though the medication is not approved by FDA it is still used for weight loss under the guidance of experts and dietitians. Many clinical trials show that the use of Ozempic helps reduce body weight when combined with lifestyle changes like diet and exercise. The medication works by reducing the appetite, and food intake, and increasing feelings of fullness.

It targets the GLP-1 receptors in the brain responsible for regulating hunger and feelings of fullness. Ozempic also causes delayed gastric emptying causing the food to stay longer in the stomach thereby leading to the feeling of fullness for a longer period. It is also useful for managing the blood sugar levels and insulin secretions. The key benefits of using Ozempic for weight loss are briefed below: 

  • Show effective weight loss results 
  • Reduce appetite and help to stay in a calorie deficit 
  • Improves blood sugar levels 
  • Help achieve sustainable weight loss 
  • Leads to better overall physical and mental well-being
  • Convenient to use 

Recommended Foods To Eat While Taking Ozempic

Diet plays a central role in achieving any health goal. While taking Ozempic may cause your body to lose weight it cannot be sustainable without a proper diet. Eating a balanced diet not only properly nourishes your body but also enhances the working of medication. There is a wide range of food items you can include in your diet to support weight loss. The recommended food items you should add to your diet are briefed below: 

Protien Rich Items: Protein is an essential nutrient needed for muscle growth and repair, boosting the immune system and keeping you full for a longer time. For more protein intake you can include Poultry, Fish, Soy, Beans, Lentils, Eggs, Beef, Pork, and Greek yogurt.

Whole Grains: Adding whole grains to your diet is an excellent way to slow the release of glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream. They are also a rich source of fiber, B vitamins, complex carbohydrates, several minerals, and iron. Some of the rich sources of whole grains you can include in your diet are: 

  • Whole wheat bread
  • Quinoa
  • Barley
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Oats
  • Whole cornmeal
  • Brown rice

Fruits and Nuts: Fruits and nuts are loaded with the essential nutrients and fatty acids needed for overall well-being. You can load up on a wide range of fruits and nuts to or a balanced diet while taking Ozempic. Nuts are also known to improve blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. The variety of fruits and nuts you can include in your diet are mentioned below: 

  • Almonds
  • Brazil nuts
  • Cashews
  • Hazel nuts
  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Berries
  • Cherries

Role of a Dietitian in Offering Long-Term Support While Taking Ozempic 

Dietitians are certified individuals offering personalized dietary recommendations to people struggling to achieve their dietary goals. Their qualifications and educational background equip them with the right knowledge and tips to guide you through your weight loss journey and create a nutrition plan based on your preferences, dietary restrictions, and health goals. They can also offer you the support needed to adapt to the changing needs while ensuring consistent progress. 

Therefore, consulting a trusted and renowned dietitian can help you stay on track and deal with all the challenges that may come along the way.  A well-experienced and qualified dietitian can offer personalized nutrition planning, monitor and adjust dietary habits, manage side effects, support weight management, and provide education for sustainable weight loss. The other key benefits of choosing a trusted dietitian for sustainable weight loss using the Ozempic medication are briefed below: 

  1. Offer personalized nutrition planning that matches your specific body requirements.
  2. Regularly monitor and adjust dietary habits to maintain progress.
  3. Give guidance on efficiently managing all the side effects that may be caused due to Ozempic.
  4. Educate clients on how to make informed food choices that align with their health goals.
  5. Guide you on the lifestyle changes that may be required to attain the desired weight loss goals. 

Final Takeaway 

The road to achieving weight loss goals using weight loss drugs like Ozempic involves a combination of diet, management, and lifestyle changes. The guidance provided by dietitians can introduce you to the holistic approach comprising a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and behavioral changes. Dt. Gagan Anand not only guides her clients but empowers them to develop healthier habits that make their weight loss sustainable and healthy. 


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