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What to Eat When Prescribed Semaglutide

What to Eat When Prescribed Semaglutide – The weight loss drugs have a huge market and have seen a sharp uprise in use to see desired results in weight loss. Semaglutide is one such drug that has been popularized for losing weight and shedding extra kilos. The weight loss drug works best when followed by healthy lifestyle changes physical activity, and portion control. Managing your diet can be tricky for people with no fitness or dietary knowledge background. Dt. Gagan Anand brings you an informative guide on What to Eat When Prescribed Semaglutide to create a detailed roadmap for your diet when prescribed Semaglutide.

The blog comprehensively covers all the aspects of diet and includes food choices that help you manage the negative effects of Semaglutide. You will discover the importance of diet and its effects on the body when taking Semaglutide. The food choices have a dramatic impact on the way Semaglutide reacts with your body. Dive into the blog to learn more about the impact of diet and food choices in managing the symptoms or side effects of Semaglutide. 

Effect of Food Choices and Diet When Prescribed Semaglutide 

Semaglutide consists of amino acids that decrease blood sugar levels and regulate insulin. The drug is usually injected and suppresses your appetite giving a feeling of fullness and satiety. It also increases your metabolism and reduces cravings. However, taking Semaglutide for weight loss or to treat diabetes can make it challenging for you to digest some food. Food items with high fat and greasy fat can lead to a wide range of unwanted symptoms. 

The medication also slows down the movement in your gut allowing high-fat and greasy food to stick around for a longer time causing heartburn and other symptoms. This can leave the users of Semaglutide with constipation and other gut issues. Taking proper balanced diet is by far the easiest way to tackle the side effects commonly associated with Semaglutide. 

Best Food Items to Include in Your Diet When Taking Semaglutide 

Our diet plays an important role in making our bodies strong and managing the symptoms of various health conditions and medications. The modifications in your diet can prepare your body for tackling the effects of medication and also help avoid the symptoms. Here is the range of food items you can include in your diet to maximize the results with Semaglutide and fast-track your weight loss journey. 

Eat Loads of Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables are packed with fewer calories and loads of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. You can include berries including cherries, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, lemons, mangoes, melons, olives, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, and raspberries to keep all the essential nutrients flowing in your diet. You can also start by making your one meal loaded with vegetables and keep experimenting with seasonal vegetables and fruits. 

Replace Your Snacks With Nuts 

If you are habitual of snacking or find the hunger pangs making you restless, you can replace your usual unhealthy snacks with healthy nuts and seeds. The nuts are a rich source of healthy fats, protein, and fiber. You can binge on pumpkin seeds, walnuts, or hemp seeds while taking Semaglutide to keep your snacking habits in check while adding essential minerals like zinc and magnesium to your diet. These minerals are also helpful in boosting energy and strengthening your immune system. 

Add a Lean Protein Source in Every Meal 

Keeping your diet rich in protein is an essential requirement to not only build muscle but also control your sugar spikes. Eating protein-rich meals keeps you satiated for a longer duration and prevents overeating. Your daily diet should comprise 10 to 35% of protein to meet the daily requirement. The protein-rich meal is low in saturated fat and calories which further helps in losing weight. You can add chicken breasts, eggs, and beans to get the daily dosage of protein. 

Eat More Complex Carbohydrates

Unlike, simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates are a rich source of fiber and get digested rather slowly. You can add brown rice, quinoa, and whole-wheat pasta to your diet to help you feel full for longer while keeping your blood sugar levels low. You can modify your meals to consist of ¼  complex carbohydrates to maximize the results when taking Semaglutide. 

Foods To Avoid When Prescribed Semaglutide 

While eating right is important when taking Semaglutide, knowing which foods to avoid is important. Making the wrong food choices makes you prone to GI distress, rapidly spike your blood sugar, or add unnecessary calories while on your weight loss journey. Therefore it is important to avoid the unnecessary load on your gut and keep these food items out of your diet. The food items to keep out of your diet when taking Semaglutie are briefed below: 

  • Fatty protein cuts
  • Baked goods, candy, and ice cream
  • Beverages with added sugar, such as regular soda, juice, and energy drinks
  • Fried foods or foods high in saturated/trans fat
  • Spicy foods

Wrapping Up 

Based on your prescribed Semaglutide condition, it is important to keep your diet in check to regulate your blood sugar or prevent weight gain. This comprehensive diet guide by Dt. Gagan Anand is all you need to avoid possible side effects while supporting semaglutide’s effects on your body. You can also consult Dt. Gagan Anand for more detailed guidance on getting personalized diet plans for fitness goals and achieving health goals. 

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